Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Dreams of My President

I've been having the same recurring dream about President Obama. In my dream he is speaking as President (not President-elect) at a church service at which I'm in attendance. While he speaks (or attempts to) people are falling all over themselves to get near him, touch him, breathe him; while I sit darn near in his lap completely unfazed by his presence. I've attempted to psychoanalyze myself and I've got nothing.

I, like so many other Americans are totally enamored with this man and would love and fully embrace an opportunity to speak to him, not just be near him, yet in my dream I can't be bothered by him at all, lol! The only thing that I can remotely come up with as a subconscious source of this dream is the fact that I completely loathe the idea of deifying a human being and I think that some of the adoration for President Obama has crossed over to this no like that. But I likes me some him and not at all in some physical attraction sort of way, although he's easy on the eyes. I think he's smart, thoughtful, engaging, worthy and all those fuzzy adjectives. Maybe I sub consciously lust for President Obama? Lawd help me, but after 3 nights of the same dream I need answers, stat!

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