Monday, February 23, 2009

Stumbling Towards Ecstasy

"Everything is permissible for me"—but not everything is edifying (beneficial). "Everything is permissible for me"—but I will not be mastered by anything".

-1 Corinthians 6:12

I need PEACE, something I can hold on spirit feels despondent and listless.
I'm searching for security, that's not found in monetary cushions or in the arms of a lover. No earthly comfort can bring it.
I need more of you Lord and I'm finally beginning to understand this.
I am not ashamed to say I need you Father. I have fallen at times and my walk is not always straight, but I am trying and I'm on my way.
I am stumbling towards an ecstasy..that only you can give me.

That about sums it up for me, where I am in this life journey. Believers and non alike can probably relate, that some things in life just aren't conducive to our edification. We live a lives of excess, and for me, this leads to complication, unnecessary complication. I'm about to simplify mine; less is more, less "stuff" equals more time for what's important, what's sacred.

To me that's the true example of Jesus Christ. He was simple, he was humble, he took care of what he had and his is the example I choose to follow. See there? No Hell, fire and brim stones, no Bible brow beating, no condemnation, just simply following the example of the most well known man that ever graced this earth. He was hated by some but loved by many. He kept little but gave a lot, he gave of himself. He spent his life doing the important work.

Lesson 1: God is Love, pure and simple.

1 comment:

T.a.c.D said...

i can definitely dig this...leaning on GOD and learning to walk as Christ did is not as easy as we all think it to be or seem it to know...its a lot harder than we give it credit to be...

but you truly have the spirit to try everyday to be more Christ have that inner don't be to hard on yourself...just try everyday to be better and that peace will come!!!