Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Home Stretch

Right now I'm back in PA for work (doing some IT PR), which has been totally the opposite of boring lately. Ask you and shall receive...

I'm prepping for final exams, finalizing projects and darn near ready to pull my locks out. I just have a few more weeks to grind it out then I can shut it down from the 22nd until the New Year. I can't wait until it's over so I can relax with my girls in Florida. But it's cool, I've got this!!! Friday night I'm going to the company holiday party. I plan to have a blast and dazzle them with my dancing skills, plus they OWE me a drink...or two!

Be right back...


But maybe it's just me... said...

I know you're going to shut the home stretch down! Good luck on the finals and don't hurt 'em too much at the holiday party. ;)

T.a.c.D said...

GOOD for you...its almost ova almost...and you know what South Africa might be a safer place than DC you never know...either way it will be a celebration

Eb the Celeb said...

Have fun missy... but remember dont throw back too many at the holiday party... I know plenty of people that have gotten fired after holiday party antics...lol

jendayi said...

So it's the 18th today. 4 more days to go!!!! Kill it lady!