Friday, July 18, 2008

Annoyed as Hell!!!!!

I need to vent.

I hate the fact that the organization I work for has senior management that can spend donor/public funds like it’s going out of style! If I have any complaints about my job, that’s the biggest one! Like WTF, this is not our money!! Yes we have a resource development group that works hard and do an excellent job at fund raising but ultimately the reason why Bill Gates, the Rockefeller Foundation and others give so much damn money to us is because of the freaking mission. We don’t have a product that we’re selling. We’re not a law firm billing hours to clients, we don’t provide any services as engineers do to generate this income.

We are tasked with finding HIV prevention options for women in disadvantaged situations, not fattening the pockets of rich, white men is the very country that these same women (black) have been oppressed in for years and are still economically, socially, and politically disenfranchised. This is some bullshit and as the project manager for this particular project, I am not going to allow this organization to simply give into to these creeps! They have breached our contract and now they want us to pay X amount of money for charges that they are alleging as ours with NO proper documentation, official invoices, change in scope orders, etc? Hell No! I know that the approach to just pay it is due to the fact that we “have the money”, “it’s in rand and not dollars”, and we just want to be done with this” but so what? I don’t think this is proper business practice. So we pay this money and when we’re audited what’ll be the justification? And of course the auditors will be looking to me for an explanation. So with all due respect Mr. CFO, I disagree with your approach and at the end of the day I have to be able to sleep at night. You may not have the time or energy to fight this, but I do. Isn’t this why you sent me all the way to Africa, to manage this process? Well let me do my job, I’ve got all day! I can’t stand to see us waste money (I could think of a million others ways to spend R300,000) and I know this is bigger than me but I’ve gotta do my part and I’m starting with you…

Dear Mr. CFO,

I understand that the ultimate decision in this transaction is yours, but I respectfully disagree with this approach…


Anonymous said...

Damn!!!!! Thats what's up. Somebody needs to speak up. Thats the nature of people though. No one really cares until they are directly affected. They don't care how something works; only that it works! You are an exception. You care and you have integrity. There may be some backlash but I think that you will be rewarded. Do ya thing. Represent. "Put On 4 Ya City"!!

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

sounds like they dont desire to solve the problem to me, I used to work with Africare and it was never like that

T.a.c.D said...

stand your ground!!! like you said you have to sleep at night and you will be the one that will have to answer to this shit in the end, so you make sure you are on record for your stance!

But maybe it's just me... said...

Handle your business P! I admire the fact that you are poised and aimed to hold the higher ups accountable for their actions or in-actions. Stay strong. I send you supportive thoughts from across the water.