Wednesday, September 10, 2008

It's Me Again...

I'd immersed myself so far into the political drama of the elections that now I'm sick of it all and refuse to listen to anymore campaign crap! I've decided to just say F it and vote for Obama...even if it's just because he's black. He's half African too, so there...

I can't place my finger on it, but I'm curiously laid back in my classes..I'm usually very outspoken and engaged but for some reason I'm in a quiet mood. I just want to fly under the radar, get my grades and move on...

I'm at that time of the month where I absolutely crave two things; sweet, starchy carbs and S.E.X. For my own sanity and the well-being of those around me, I've put my eating healthy regimen on pause (temporarily) and allowed myself to indulge in the former.

All the lyrics to the new song by Rhianna, accurately describe my state of being around the time when Aunt Dot is due..."I gotta get out or figure this ish out", DISTURBIA!!

The death of Kanika T. Powell has suddenly made me aware of my own vulnerability as a single woman, living alone...but God has not given me a spirit of fear so I'll press on...


But maybe it's just me... said...

Lol...I feel you. I've had to step back from the political drama for awhile too. It had me spinning.

I just read that story about Kanika Powell a few minutes ago. Very sad story.

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

u and me both on the SEX

Ms. Confessions said...

Totally feeling this post especially about classes and the kicking healthy food to the side for brief moment :)